NWC Learning Resource Center
What is the program?
The Learning Resource program at Northwest Catholic will consist of the following services:
Classroom accommodations: Extended time testing, preferential seating, hard copies of class notes, and other reasonable accommodations provided on a case by case basis as identified by the diagnostic evaluation.
Academic Success Class: Students meet with a Learning Resource teacher in a scheduled period as part of their regular course rotation. This class provides assistance with study skills, self-advocacy, and provides time for quiet, independent study during the school day. Limited academic tutoring can be available during this time. This class can also be a venue for extended time testing if scheduled 24 hours in advance with the teacher and it does not conflict with other academic time.
Computers: Available for students to use for homework & research.
Group Study Rooms: Students may reserve a study room for tutoring and group projects.
Printing/Scanning: MFD copiers that can be accessed via a printer code.
Workspaces: Several stand alone cubicles for quiet work and large tables for collaborating.
Learning Resource Center, previously the Gelormino Library
Library Classroom
Online Reference Sources
The Connecticut Digital Library (researchIT CT) includes indexes to magazines, books, and newspapers for all ages in a number of separate databases. It also has a database to photographs as well as links to other web reference sources. Also included in this site is a link to catalogs of libraries throughout Connecticut. researchIT CT is provided by the Connecticut State Library.