The physical education program is designed to promote a positive attitude toward fitness which will contribute to the well-being of the whole person. A combination of team play and individual activities will be integrated with the use of the fitness center. The fitness center provides an opportunity for training programs which can be introduced and expanded with each student. The fitness center is user-friendly with free weights, universal, and cardiovascular machines to meet the needs of all students. It is a goal of the physical education program to have the use of team play and personal fitness lead to the student’s desire to continue his or her own fitness program in the future.
2023 - 2024 Physical Education & Wellness Department Courses
- Health and Safety
- Physical Wellness
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2023-2024 NWC
Curriculum Guide
Physical Education & Wellness Department Team

John Mirabello
History and Physical Education and Wellness Teacher, Head Boys Basketball Coach, Intramurals Moderator