The English Department’s objective is to challenge students with a college preparatory curriculum throughout the four years of instruction.
Students are expected to master the following skills: critical reading, analytical and expository writing, thesis statements, organization, editing, research procedures, vocabulary development, grammar and usage, and PSAT and SAT preparation. The core values of spirituality, respect, and leadership comprise the foundation for the school as a whole and for all English department activities, both academic and extracurricular.
2023 - 2024 English Department Courses
- English I
- Honors English I
- English II: American Literature
- Honors English II: American Literature
- English III: English Literature
- Honors English III: English Literature
- AP English III: Language and Composition
- English IV: World Literature
- Honors English IV: World Literature
- ECA/AP English IV: Literature and Composition
Download the
2023-2024 NWC
Curriculum Guide
English Department Team

Charlotte Adams Brooks
Visual Arts Teacher, English Teacher, Chair of Visual Arts, Performing Arts & Productions