Tournament Entry: $250, add Golfer's Package contest entries for $25

Your ticket comes with lunch, beer/seltzer and soft drinks at lunch and on the course, and the post round dinner.

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Please check all that apply.
Year of Graduation, YYYY (i.e. 1985)

Register yourself and guests, then choose your golfer's package option - which includes one mulligan and entries into Longest Drive, Hit the Green, and Closest to the Pin contests. Handicap required to qualify for the low-net winning group.

Choose Single, Twosome, Threesome, Foursome
Handicaps required for low-net prize
Handicap required for low-net
Handicap required for low-net
Handicap required for low-net

Please indicate if you have any pairing requests for other players.

Please input any requests to join other players, etc.
Subtotal: $
Fees: $
Grand Total: $